
ChatGPT: How generative AI could change hiring as we know it

Experts say standard hiring processes may change as a result.

For instance, since generative AI can create pre-interview presentations, employers may introduce harder assessments in response. “The onus is to test and evaluate what the machines can’t do,” says Miller. “While generative AI can arrange data in an interesting way, it’s not particularly creative – it can only work with what already exists. So, that could mean assessments demanding more creative and abstract thought from the candidate.”

Additionally, there could be a greater emphasis on scrutinising candidates in face-to-face settings, says Brooke Weddle, partner at consulting firm McKinsey & Company, based in Washington, DC. “As opposed to cover letters, which typically convey little information critical to the actual hiring decision, employers look hard at cultural fit and soft skills during the interview process.” 

Furthermore, some recruiters are already embracing new AI tools on their side of the job hiring process. For instance, some large corporations are leveraging AI in the recruitment process to test job seekers’ qualities through skill- and personality assessments, which use data-driven behavioural insights to match candidates against vacancies and reveal their soft skills. 

These kinds of emerging platforms that give recruiters more data on candidates stand to change the job-application process, too, especially as “we move from degree certifications to skills-based hiring”, says Weddle. And this may be just the beginning of big changes to come.

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