
Eli Lilly’s Donanemab: The Anti-Amyloid Saga Continues (NYSE:LLY)

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Eli Lilly’s (NYSE:LLY) data for its anti-amyloid drug candidate donanemab continues a pattern of less than stellar results for this class of drugs (although one would not suspect this from their press release). 47

The study also enrolled a small number of people with high levels of tau at baseline (n=552), representing a later stage of disease progression… suggesting they would be less likely to respond to treatment.

Relationships between amyloid reduction and iADRS scores were significant in APOE4 carriers, but not in participants without APOE4 which may be due to relatively few noncarriers in TRAILBLAZER-ALZ or pharmacogenomics difference in treatment response, the researchers noted (source of quote).

Highest efficacy was observed in APOE4/4 homozygotes receiving 150 mg BID [twice daily] of trampirosate showing statistically significant effects on ADAS-cog and positive trends on CDR-SB (respectively, 40-66% and 25-45% benefit compared to placebo). APOE4 heterozygotes showed intermediate efficacy, and non-carriers showed no benefit. In 426 patients with MRI scans, no cases of treatment-emergent vascogenic endema were observed. In the three subgroups, the most common adverse events were nausea, vomiting, and decreased weight (source of quote).

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