
Cannabis farming for medicinal purposes a potential to grow economy

A cannabis farmer in Polokwane, Limpopo, says that cannabis farming has the potential to help grow the country’s economy.

43-year old Mpho Makhado has obtained license for cannabis farming for medicinal purposes at Zandrivier farm.

Makhado is already selling cannabis products such as tea, cigar and oil to local markets. He is planning to sell his products to international markets such as Peru, Germany and Netherlands.

The video below is reporting more on the story:

Cannabis has been used in many traditions as a recreational substance. Makhado views the cannabis industry as a potential money-spinning entity.

“We sell to pharmaceutical and to individuals who need products like cannabis tea and cigars for those who have stress. We are are targeting international markets. This week I had a meeting [with] the guys from Holland. They have [shown] interest. I think we are going into agreement with them concerning that market.”

One user says she has been drinking cannabis tea for a long time. She has hailed its health and therapeutic benefits.

Cannabis tea user, Mmaphefo Masoba says, “I just came back from Cape Town for netball and I must go back to work. So, I was very tired. Now it is my lunch time, so I just came for the cup [cannabis tea] so I can regain my energies.”

Meanwhile, Makhado recently acquired 50 hectares of land in Vhembe for hemp farming.

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