The best exercise to do in your 40s and beyond.
It’s probably worth pointing out here that for the past 20 years, I’ve exercised fairly regularly – first and foremost, for my mental health. For me, exercise has always been the best tool I have for managing my anxiety and making me feel better.
Likewise, I’m fortunate to have a basic gym set up in our garage where I do all of this. Having easy access to fitness is obviously a privilege and one I don’t take for granted. Oh, and also? This is what a good week looks like for me. Of course, there are many weeks that I just can’t get through all this and in those cases, I just pick up from wherever I left off.
So, what have the results been like?
Since starting this new program, I’ve had a lot fewer injuries, niggles and visits to the physio and osteo – I haven’t actually been to either since I began. I also feel like I’m getting better results, particularly from the strength work, which I’m getting a little hooked on. There’s something deeply satisfying about being able to lift heavier and heavier weights each week.
And my biggest takeaway, in a nutshell, is that less really is more. This has been a huge epiphany to me. So much so, it makes me feel like I’ve finally cracked the fitness code, at least as it pertains to me.
Like a lot of people, I spent many of my younger years thinking exercise equated to hour-long high-intensity cardio sessions – think Les Mills Body Attack or whichever workout class was in favour at the time.
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