
I Had More Energy but Less Fun

Breakfast was light enough for me to eat first thing

I was worried eating breakfast every morning would be tough but it actually turned out to be the best part.

Kim Schewitz

I can’t stress enough that I am a beginner when it comes to nutrition and meal prep. My diet isn’t bad, I eat fruit and vegetables every day, and avoid sugary drinks and highly processed foods such as Pop-Tarts.

But, until recently, I hadn’t thought about the macronutrients I should be getting in each meal or considered checking the sugar or salt content of food. However, I had to learn quickly while trying the DASH diet because limiting salt and added sugar is key.

I am also not what you’d call a morning person and my breakfast usually consists of a cup of coffee, but I decided to eat it while I tried the DASH diet to prevent me reaching from for an emergency sugary snack to tide me over before lunch.

I managed to stick to eating a DASH-approved breakfast each morning and I was pleasantly surprised by the results. 

I usually had zero-fat Greek yogurt with some low-sugar granola and blueberries, and some days I added almond butter. On a few mornings, I had 100% whole grain oatmeal with no added sugar. 

I made sure my morning meals were super quick to prepare, so I would actually eat breakfast. Usually, eating anything in the morning makes me feel nauseous, but I found that they were light enough for me to stomach, and even enjoy first thing at 8 a.m. 

After I’d eaten, I found that I didn’t even need a coffee because I felt awake and my energy was stable. This helped me to manage the spike of anxiety I usually wrestle with in the first few hours of the day. 

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