
Ways to reduce added sugar in the diet

Published on Oct 11, 2023 02:51 PM IST

  • From consuming unprocessed foods to adding flavour boosters, here are a few ways to reduce added sugar intake.

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Published on Oct 11, 2023 02:51 PM IST

We have enough reasons to reduce sugar intake in the diet. Consumption of food with reduced sugar helps in inducing better sleep, improving energy levels of the body and improving skin health. It also helps in reducing the risk of multiple diseases. “It’s very easy (and common!) to overconsume added sugars, given the amount of sugars added to everyday foods. But there are plenty of reasons to try to eat less added sugar,” wrote Dietitian Samantha Cassetty. Here are a few ways to reduce added sugar in the diet.(Unsplash)

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Consumption of whole and unprocessed food items ensures that we are not consuming refined sugar. (Unsplash)

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Published on Oct 11, 2023 02:51 PM IST

Consumption of whole and unprocessed food items ensures that we are not consuming refined sugar. (Unsplash)

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We need to identify the food items that are responsible for the extra sugar intake, and we should restrict consumption of the same. (Unsplash)

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Published on Oct 11, 2023 02:51 PM IST

We need to identify the food items that are responsible for the extra sugar intake, and we should restrict consumption of the same. (Unsplash)

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We can add flavour boosters in the food items to get the sweet flavour without consuming sugar. (Unsplash)

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Published on Oct 11, 2023 02:51 PM IST

We can add flavour boosters in the food items to get the sweet flavour without consuming sugar. (Unsplash)

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We should be mindful of what we consume – thoroughly going through the ingredients list in food items will help us to go for lower-sugar alternatives. (Unsplash)

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Published on Oct 11, 2023 02:51 PM IST

We should be mindful of what we consume – thoroughly going through the ingredients list in food items will help us to go for lower-sugar alternatives. (Unsplash)

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Naturally sweet fruits can be used for adding sweet flavour to the food items for consumption. (Unsplash)

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Published on Oct 11, 2023 02:51 PM IST

Naturally sweet fruits can be used for adding sweet flavour to the food items for consumption. (Unsplash)


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