
Herbal IQ pushes market ahead with pop-up

The opening of Rochester’s first legal marijuana store has been a temporary win for local cannabis outlets and consumers.

Since a federal judge placed a temporary ban on NYS dispensary licenses, cultivators throughout upstate New York have been waiting to find out if they can open their own storefronts.

Herbal IQ’s pop-up showcase downtown is located across from Wegmans on East Avenue and has been offering local residents a variety of goods from local growers since August. (Like a farmer’s market, there are knowledgeable representatives of the marijuana growing operation on hand to discuss products in detail).

According to owner Bradley Kyler, the showcase has to close after Dec. 31 unless New York grants dispensary status or extensions. This month, there are plans to possibly open a second pop-up growers showcase on Commercial Street in East Rochester by certification has not been granted.

Once the legislature lifts the ban, Herbal IQ’s goal is to be the “Walmart of weed” in western NY. Everywhere. Competitive on price. Consistent on quality.

Kyler has already signed a 10-year conditional lease for the current space with the hopes to make the temporary pop-up a permanent home if approved. He wants to expand in lots of other locations — to be as ubiquitous as Fourth of July fireworks stands.

What types of marijuana and THC goods are available at Herbal IQ?

Brands like Weed Water and A Walk in the Pines offer a variety of drinks, snacks, and extracts. Mike Dulen, chief executive officer of A Walk in the Pines, was on hand answering shoppers’ questions on a recent day. He partners in the pop-up effort with Kyler.

The pop-up also features products from Ananda Farms and Honest Pharm Co., where CBD topical products are available.

For Kyler, premium product was key in ensuring customer satisfaction.  

He thinks gray-market shops tend to be a nervous experience and want consumers to feel welcomed when buying cannabis products. Now, with new security features like QR codes, consumers can scan their products beforehand to ensure it is authentic and safe.

“I was worried about guys undercutting me, but with it being safe and licensed and tested — that’s all they care about,” says the Herbal IQ owner of his customers. Those gray-market “shops like vape stores with weed — you don’t know what you are buying. Here, you know what you are getting. It’s not a mystery.”

How much does it cost for marijuana flower in Rochester?

For 3.5 grams of flower, consumers can expect to pay between $40-60. If you prefer edibles, you can expect to pay $30-35 for a 10-pack of 10 mg THC gummies.

Visit to see their full menu of products.

What if you’ve never consumed cannabis before?

Currently, most of their customer base consists of people who are 35+ years old, but Kyler encourages people of all ages (21+ of course) to stop by and learn more about their products.

“Everyone is happy — a lot of people are using it for their medical issues; you get repeat customers,” Kyler said.

Store employees are also very knowledgeable about the products and encourage questions. They aim to help you find the best fit for your needs.

The Herbal IQ showcase popup on East Avenue saw a long list of potential applicants for the retail jobs.

What is Green Wednesday before Thanksgiving holiday?

On Wednesday, Nov. 15, they will host Green Wednesday, a Black Friday for cannabis. By law, they aren’t allowed to advertise the event so they share the information by word of mouth.

Address: 1749 East Ave, Rochester, NY 14610

Store Hours: Wednesday – Saturday from 10 AM to 8 PM, Sunday 1 PM – 5 AM

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