
Everything You Wanted to Know

You will need a doctor’s note to return to work if you get sick and take days off. This official document you will later provide to the employer. Usually, it contains doctors’ recommendations and a recovery timeline. If you should spend several days or weeks at home, you will use a doctor’s note to return to work.

What Is a Return to Work Doctor’s Note?

The return to work doctor’s note is required any time you miss your work for several days due to the illness. While not every company needs it, based on their own inner rules, you will still receive this note from your doctor during attendance. It is better to keep the note somewhere you can find it.

This note can be written on a formal blank or sent to you electronically with an electronic signature from your doctor and a stamp of the facility you’ve received treatment for. It does not necessarily have to be provided by the doctor if you visit staff in the medical office for specific procedures. The document contains the date you contacted the doctor and the time your doctor recommended you spend at home for recovery.

When Should You Get a Doctor’s Note for Work?

If your employer says there is no need for a doctor’s note, you don’t have to take it from the hospital. Many companies have the policy of providing several days off for ill employees without official forms. If you need more than several days, you must ask your doctor to fill out the form. You also need to consider your location. Check out the labor laws of your State.

The document has to be provided to the injured or ill person after this person contacts the doctor. During the appointment, the doctor has to fill the note with your information, diagnosis, and the dates. If your company needs specific information from the doctor, you have to ask your HR what to include in the note in advance.

What to Include in a Doctor’s Note to Return to Work?

Let’s consider the simple case with the standard doctor’s note for work. You have to make sure that your doctor includes specific information. If you have not found it, you need to ask for a new one. The information that must be in the note:

  • Details and contact information of the hospital or the doctor if it is a private practice. You need to see the name, address of the cabinet, and contact details of the doctor who wrote the note. Your boss needs to know that you did not receive this note from your friend or made it yourself. If your employer needs to clarify something, this information helps to get in touch with the doctor;
  • Name of employee. Make sure your doctor did not write down another name;
  • Date when the doctor had the appointment with you;
  • Details on your recovery. The note has to provide information about your recovery at the time when you made the last visit to the doctor. The doctor has to approve your return to daily activities;
  • The doctor must indicate if you have some restrictions to follow after your illness. For example, you may not work as fast as before the illness. Sometimes employees can’t work for the whole day and work only 2-3 hours. In some cases, employee needs an environment free of dust;
  • There must be a name and signature of your doctor; otherwise, the document will not be legal.

How to Get a Doctor’s Note to Return to Work?

If you live close to your doctor’s office, you can go there and ask for the note. You have to make an appointment in advance. If you are far from this facility, you can contact your doctor and ask them to create an electronic document and send it to you via email. You may even send a link to a program like PDFLiner where the empty blank is ready to be filled.

Final Words

When you take a sick day off your work, you have to make sure that you follow your company’s rules. You may need to ask your doctor to provide you with a doctor’s note about your current condition. It does not take much time but makes your day off legitimate.

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