
High cholesterol: The ‘first noticeable’ symptoms include claudication – how to spot

Dubbed the silent killer, cholesterol can silently roam through your arteries, spurring on serious health problems like heart disease and strokes. However, one tell-tale sign of cholesterol build-up can sometimes strike down in your legs. Here’s how to spot the sign known as claudication.

High levels of “bad” cholesterol, also known as LDL, lay the groundwork for a build-up of plaque in your arteries.

Characterised as waxy, plaque is a mix of the fatty substance and other things, according to a health portal Saint Luke’s.

“When you have too much plaque, your arteries can become narrowed and limit blood flow,” Saint Luke’s explains.

Narrow arteries like this trigger the “first noticeable” sign of a cholesterol build-up known as claudication.

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Once your arteries constrict, your legs are the next to take the hit, leading to a “common” condition known as peripheral artery disease (PAD), the Cleveland Clinic explains.

And PAD triggers the “first noticeable” symptom known as intermittent claudication.

This red flag describes leg discomfort, pain or cramping, according to the health portal.

While leg pain could be triggered by various reasons, ranging from injury to extensive exercise, claudication can be recognised by certain tell-tale signs.


While claudication could be the first sign of cholesterol dangerously clogging your arteries, PAD doesn’t always trigger symptoms, similarly to high cholesterol.

That’s why having your blood tested remains the most reliable way of determining your cholesterol levels.

The doctor will either draw blood from your arm or do a finger-prick test, the NHS explains.

The good news is there are various means of retrieving cholesterol levels from the danger zone once you get diagnosed, whether it’s lifestyle changes like diet or a medication called statins.

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