
Research Shows Improvement In Research-Based Pharma Industry Reputation

The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations commissioned Ipsos to perform the research.

New annual research conducted by Ipsos for the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), shows that the research-based pharmaceutical industry has garnered a positive reputation, with its pandemic response and the impact of its innovations seen as key strengths by the general public, with innovation and efforts to broaden access to vaccines and treatments being seen as drivers of positive sentiment among those surveyed. The survey was conducted in 11 countries polling a representative sample of 11,000 people across both high and lower-income countries. The study was commissioned by the International IFPMA.

The survey underlines that industry’s response to COVID-19 has contributed to a positive trend in terms of reputation. The public is highly positive about the sector’s ongoing pandemic response, with more than half of respondents considering that the pharmaceutical industry works well with governments, international organisations, and other institutions to make their vaccines, medicines, and treatments available to as many people as possible, worldwide. The public has an expectation that industry will continue to innovate against COVID, and have faith it will prepare, respond, and deliver during future pandemics.

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