
What they said about Bills player’s recovery

  • Doctors were asked to provide a timeline of his care on the field and later in the hospital.
  • They were asked about a cause for Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, but they said the workup is ongoing.
  • They spoke of his response after waking up and his ability to communicate in writing.

Note: Doctors who treated Bills safety Damar Hamlin held a news conference Thursday in Cincinnati. They took questions for nearly 50 minutes on a variety of topics related to his treatment and health. Questions and answers have been edited for brevity and clarity. 

Good afternoon, my name is Kristen Weavers and I’m a senior vice president and chief marketing and communications officer here at UC Health representing the University of Cincinnati Medical Center here in Cincinnati, Ohio.

We’re delighted to join you today and to be invited by Damar’s family and the Buffalo Bills to give you an update on the medical condition of Damar. I’d like to introduce these two incredible physicians that are with us today. Dr. William A. Knight IV is a professor in the department of of emergency medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Dr. Knight is also the lead physician for the Cincinnati Team of Unaffiliated Neurotrauma Consultants, visiting team medical liaisons and emergency medical services support, including on-field paramedics, air-way management physicians and respiratory therapists.

Dr. Timothy Pritts is a trauma surgeon and serves as a professor in the department of surgery at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and the division chief of general surgery. 

Pritts: Good afternoon, everybody, and greetings from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. It’s a privilege to be able to meet with you, and Dr. Knight and I are representing the many, many individuals and teams that have helped care for Mr. Hamlin since the on-field event on Monday night. We would like to share that there has been substantial improvement in his condition over the past 24 hours. We had significant concern about him after the injury and after the event that happened on the field, but he is making substantial progress.

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As of this morning, he is beginning to awaken and it appears that his neurological condition and function is intact. We are proud to report that, very happy for him and for his family and for the Buffalo Bills organization, that he is making improvement. He continues to be critically ill and continues to undergo intensive care in our surgical and trauma ICU. He’s being cared for by ICU neurocritical care teams, trauma surgery and a cardiology team, as well as our expert nurses and respiratory therapists. They are attending to him and he still has significant progress that he needs to make, but this marks a really good turning point in his ongoing care. 

Can you take us through a timeline? 

Knight: What I can tell you is that a significant number of our care team was involved in helping with Mr. Hamlin on the field on Monday night. He was attended to by four of our emergency physicians serving in various roles as the airway physician, the visiting team medical liaison, a neurotrauma consultant as well as one of the team physicians for the Cincinnati Bengals.

As everybody knows, Mr. Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest on the field and it was promptly recognized by the Buffalo Bills medical staff. And that allowed for very immediate resuscitation on the field. He was promptly resuscitated, it did require CPR and defibrillation and at which point he was transported to University of Cincinnati Medical Center, where he was met by Dr. Pritts and the trauma team as well as our emergency medicine colleagues.

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He was managed and resuscitated and worked up in the emergency department, had some additional tests in the ED and in the hospital and has been managed in the surgical ICU, as Dr. Pritts said. It’s been a long and difficult road for the last three days. He has been very sick and has made a fairly remarkable recovery and improvement to the point as Tim noted he is now demonstrating that sign of good neurologic recovery as well as overall clinic improvement, as has been previously reported related to not just his vital signs but a lot of his other individual organ recovery. 

Can you speak at all to what caused this? 

Knight: The answer to that is that that workup is ongoing. We do not have definitive answers as to the etiology of the arrest at this time and that tests will continue to be ongoing as he continues to progress.  

On how the immediate response played a role: 

Knight: It just speaks to the immediate recognition that there was something significantly and seriously wrong by the Bills medical staff. Tim and I speak together, we cannot credit their team enough. They’re often, unfortunately, there are injuries occasionally that happen on sports fields, be it football or otherwise, but it is incredibly rare to have something be this serious that happens like that and to be that quickly recognized, what they did was immediately marshal the emergency action plan, meaning the emergency medical services. That prompted the airway physician, the emergency physician that was out on the field, to be at his bedside in less than a minute. He had a prompt recognition of loss of pulse, which gave him immediate bystander CPR, which we all know rarely if ever happens.

So the fact that Mr. Hamlin had immediate bystander CPR in addition to prompt recognition of his arrhythmia to get defibrillated and then back to the return of circulation very quickly, that speaks to that timeline that you were asking about, to get the return of spontaneous circulation with immediate bystander CPR that was performed well, all meeting the standard of what we would expect in that scenario is what has led us to be able to discuss these good outcomes today. 

Former U.S. surgeon general:Want to honor Damar Hamlin? Learn CPR. It made all the difference for him.

Pritts: I will second that. The Bills training staff was with him immediately, recognized that this was not a run of the mill injury and that they had a significant event on their hands and immediately responded and got the emergency response team involved in his care. Really, this went as well as something like this could go under very challenging circumstances. 

What were the neurological signs that he showed? 

Pritts: We were in the situation where we wanted to allow him to gradually wake up as the rest of his body was healing. Last night, he was able to emerge and follow commands and even ask who had won the game. 

How common is it from Monday night to now for that sort of improvement to be made? 

Knight: The answer to that is it’s variable. We do manage post-cardiac arrest patients routinely as part of critical care in all of our ICUs and it’s variable. It speaks to his age, his incredible fitness and again, I don’t think we can emphasize enough, the immediate medical response. The fact that he had highly trained professionals from the Buffalo Bills in addition to having paramedics, emergency physicians, respiratory therapists  all right at his bedside less than a minute from the collapse, that speaks to that ability that demonstrates that he had good profusion to his brain that led to no identifiable neurological deficit. 

Pritts: He did not speak. He was able to communicate in writing. He is unable to speak with us yet as he still has a breathing tube in and we’re still assisting him with ventilation. So when he was communicating with us (Wednesday night) and again (Thursday), that’s been in writing.  

To paraphrase, ‘one of our partners, when he asked, ‘Did we win?’ The answer is, ‘Yes, Damar, you won. You’ve won the game of life.’ That’s probably the most important thing out of this and we really need to keep him at the center of everything else that’s going on and we really want to ensure a good outcome for him.

On NFL emergency protocols and if one thing in them hadn’t happened, if there’d be a different outcome: 

Knight: I’m not sure there is one thing. I think that really speaking and emphasizing that team approach that if you see those pictures and that video of the congregation of the team. You had Bills professionals, Bengals professionals, independent physicians, but we have all the right equipment. There’s all the EMS equipment, airway equipment, advanced cardiac life support equipment, the ability to do CPR, the ability to defibrillate is all there and all spelled out in terms of accessibility.

Speaking specifically, our team, we had several of my partners that were teammates, that were partners in helping to resuscitate Mr. Hamlin. When you have those scenarios when people know each other and they train together, there’s not a lot of speaking that needs to happen. They know how to work, they know how to integrate, no different that when Dr. Pritts and I are working in the trauma bay at UC. And that really goes a long way in helping with that in terms of overall management.

But was there one thing, or is there one thing that if absent would have led to a poor outcome, I can’t say that there’s any one thing because it really is the entire global spectrum of care from the minute he collapsed until the ongoing care he’s receiving right now up in the ICU. 

On Hamlin’s next steps: 

Pritts: There are many, many steps still ahead of him. From our standpoint, we would like to see him continue to improve, to be completely breathing on his own and then to be ready to be discharged from the hospital, so those are the immediate next steps as we go through his care. His family has been with him at his bedside as have members of the Buffalo Bills organization really since this all began. We really want to get him home to them, so those are the immediate next steps and then we’ll talk about potential plans for the future. 

On whether a tracheostomy occurred on the field and whether there are lung challenges: 

Knight: I can answer your first question: He was not trached on the field. He was intubated on the field, had what I would deem a textbook resuscitation on the field from, again, immediate bystander CPR, defibrillation, airway management and then transport to the hospital. It’s critical that we do that resuscitation at the scene of where a cardiac arrest is. That portends the best recovery. There was no trach or airway other than the endotracheal tube that he has. 

As for the long-term recovery, again we’re focused on the right now. And he still has a little ways to go in terms of liberation from the ventilator and I think that that’s going to be our focus right now in terms of helping him to recover,continue to get stronger and rehabilitate. But it is entirely too early to project into the future. 

 Any reason not to expect a full recovery? 

Knight: Again, we’re focusing on right now. I don’t have any reason to expect or not to expect anything into the future. Just focusing on what’s going on right now. 

On whether you have felt the prayers? 

Knight: Yeah, we have. It’s been very powerful. We’ve been surrounded by a great, I think, we keep using the word ‘team.’ And that, by Dr. Pritts and I being able to get to know this amazing family, and this amazing organization, of in a matter of 48 hours having friends and having family, of the hugs and the tears that have already been shed, just by the progress that’s been made. But then looking outside. I mean, all I have to do is look over my left shoulder and I see vigils and posters and well-wishers and the food that has showed up at the hospital, for the support, for the family and for the emergency department and for the surgical ICU team, the support that’s been done to the family.

Damar’s family is wonderful. They’ve been right here, they’ve been great throughout the entire stay. And so, have we felt it? Yeah, it doesn’t take long to look outside and see the lights, the blue and the red, around the city of Cincinnati. The support from local restaurants. The support from the fans and just people who are concerned. So, yes, it’s been very powerful. 

On whether Damar knows it, too? 

Knight: He’s learning it today.

Pritts: He’s learning it today.

On the level of communication. How do you see he’s able to understand/process what happened? 

Pritts: We’ve discussed, you know, with him what happened. He’s not quite at the point where we can have a conversation because, again, he still has a breathing tube in. He’s able to communicate with yes’s and no’s by shaking his head, nodding his head or with brief notes.

He expressed surprise that he had been, you know, not with the world for two days. We’ve talked to him about all the support that’s been given from Cincinnati, Buffalo and really across the country for him and his family during this time. His mom and dad have talked to him about what has happened and we expect that we’ll continue to have ongoing conversations with him.

Again, his first question that he wrote when he started to awaken was did we win? So we know that he’s really, that it’s not only that the lights are on, we know that he’s home. And that it appears that all cylinders are firing within his brain, which is greatly gratifying for all of us – for the nurses and the respiratory therapists and the care team that’s been by his side. For his family and for everybody else beyond. 

On what’s next? What are you looking to see? 

Pritts: We want to see him continue to breathe more on his own, and then we want to get him breathing completely on his own. That would be the next big milestone for him. 

On what would be the best-case scenario for Damar’s return to function? 

Knight: I think, um. I mean, what is the best? The best is getting him to the way he was at 8 o’clock on Monday evening. Is completely neurologically intact. Strong. Good lung function. No cardiac dysfunction with his heart. The best outcome would be back to who he was before this all happened. 

On whether he had a second resuscitation at the hospital? How long was the defibrillator used? Total minutes of CPR? Is he moving his hands and feet? 

Pritts: I’ll start in reverse: He’s moving his hands, his feet. Again, he appears to be neurologically intact to both our exam and our neurology consultant’s exams. So he appears to be doing well. He received one defibrillation and one round of CPR that was on the field. He did not receive second defibrillation or additional CPR once he was in the ambulance or at the hospital. 

On whether this means the door is open for him to play pro football again? ICU timetable?

Knight: I think the answer to the first question about his future in professional football is that it’s entirely too early to have that conversation. He’s still critically ill in the ICU. Our focus is on getting him better, get him extubated and on the road to recovery. So it truly is too early to have that conversation. I already forgot your second question, I apologize. 

Pritts: The real next steps are allowing him to continue to get better. We’re still focused on the day to day, and then we’ll talk about the next steps after that. 

On what kind of clearance would be needed before he can come back to football: 

Knight: That’s a very good question, and that’s a very, it’s really individualized to each person. And that process of recovery, rehabilitation, starts to really engage and involve physical therapists, rehab physicians in terms of what are his needs?

He was incredibly sick for two days in the ICU and we would expect that as he continues to recover we’ll see what kind of sequelae there may or may not be from that. A lot of it is just going to be defining what kind of strengths may he have from that and recover as we get his nutrition back up to par and his strength back up to par and his rehab and recovery. So it will be a very individualized tailored plan that will become a lot more clear when we’re in that phase, which we’re still a little ways out from. 

On what hurdles are still left to get off the ventilator: 

Pritts: We sort of view the ventilator as an aid for him as he needs it. And so after the initial event, we were supporting him on the ventilator 100 percent. What our goal really for liberation from mechanical ventilation is to gradually decrease the amount of support and let him pick up the difference. When we reach 0 percent support, breathing tube comes out and we define that as success. 

On commotio cordis: 

Knight: We’ve similarly heard those same suggestions and the way that I would answer that question is that that condition — commotio cordis — is an incredibly rare event that happens. It’s also a diagnosis of exclusion in our world, which basically means we have to rule out many other more common or more deadly or more fixable type conditions before we can settle in on an ultimate diagnosis such as that. He has ongoing testing, it’ll be testing in the future and I guess to summarize down to it, it is still too early to say that. Is it on the list of considerations? It is, but he has many other things we need to work through before an ideology of his arrest can be definitively defined. 

On what he was writing on? 

Pritts: It’s high tech. It’s a pen and paper and a clipboard. 

On a timeline by which doctors want to see him breathing on his own: 

Pritts: Every patient is different. When families ask, How long do I need to be in ICU? How long is our family member going to need to be on a ventilator. The answer is, as long as it takes and whatever you need. From our standpoint, we’ll continue to give him all the support and intensive ICU, physician and respiratory care that he needs. But our goal is to eventually be able to peel that all away so that he’s doing it all on his own. But the short answer is as long as it takes. There’s no threshold in our world beyond which there’s damage from the ventilator support itself, but we’d like to liberate him as soon as possible. 

To whom was he asking that first question? 

Pritts: Can’t say names but it was two of his bedside nurses last night.  

Is he holding anyone’s hand? 

Knight: Yep.  

Pritts: Held many people’s hands. 

Knight: Held my hand. He did. His parents have been with him constantly. There’s a lot of family members, a lot of support from his family and friends as well as members of the Buffalo Bills administrative and medical teams that have been at his bedside throughout, which is admirable in terms of the support the Bills have shown here. So yes, he’s held many people’s hands. 

Pritts: The Bills organization folks plus the family have been with him constantly. He’s interacted with all of them (Thursday). 

On how much time it took for him going from the field to the ER: 

Knight: The on-field resuscitation timeline, that is gonna be reviewed and really looked at in-depth at a later moment. We like to do a more detailed debrief to really make sure that we can identify exactly what you’re talking about for review and overall quality assurance.

In general, it was just a couple minutes before CPR was started as well as defibrillation. He initially had a pulse on the field and then lost it under the nose of the physicians and the team that was with him, so he had truly immediate bystander CPR and then a defibrillation happened within several minutes as well.

At that point, that is really textbook for the kind of arrhythmia he had and at which point when his respirations were being supported, he was moved into the ambulance where he was successfully and quickly intubated and transported to the hospital. So I believe, if I’m not mistaken, he was at the hospital a little after a half hour from when he fell, 45 minutes, I don’t have the exact timeline. But again it was all textbook for the kind of cardiac arrest that he experienced. 

Pritts: We can’t say enough about the quick actions of the Bills training staff and the physicians who were on the field, of getting to him and recognizing that this was a very serious situation and responding and saving his life. It was really, really outstanding work from all of them.  

Knight: And not just saving his life, but his neurologic function. The reason why we’re here talking about his recovery of neurologic function is the true critical importance of immediate and good and high-quality CPR and immediate access to defibrillation.  

On whether it was detrimental for Bills and Bengals medical staff to react in the manner that they did? 

Knight: I don’t know if it was detrimental. If you’re speaking more to their emotional health, I would defer the answer to them. There was nothing detrimental to their response. They handled this what ought to be a textbook or model for what I would hope sports teams across the country would look to in terms of how this was responded to. 

Pritts: I think at the end of this, this will all be really looked at as an opportunity to ensure that God forbid the next time something like this happens, it goes as well as it went in Cincinnati that day. 

On if this is anything the doctors have dealt with before and how unique this injury is to Demar? 

Knight: We sadly deal with this every day. … In terms of cardiac arrest on a national football field, on Monday Night Football, to my knowledge that’s never happened before and that, in of itself, is incredibly rare. And to have the support and resuscitation he had on the field has not been seen to my knowledge.  

On whether the doctors watched the game live, and the response from the medical staff to spring into action on site to to make sure everyone was in position at the hospital to receive Demar:

Knight: The way our emergency action plan is written in collaboration with the Bengals and the National Footballl League, it is really well spelled out in terms of the response of the management and the communication. And so you had five emergency physicians from the University of Cincinnati on the sidelines in various roles recording the game via the neurotrauma consultant, the visiting medical team liaison, the airway physician. And they were responsible for that primary medical care and including the communication with the emergency department.

Working in the emergency department that night was another one of my partners who is another one of our NFL VTMLs also familiar with this world, who was the attending of that ship. Dr. Prince’s team was also notified again through these channels that were pretty well spelled through the emergency action plan. And so all of that happened absent Dr. Prince’s and I’s initial presence. Tim came in as backup and then I also later came in as backup to support our teams and help offload and help manage while the immediate resuscitation and management of Demar was ongoing. …  

Pritts: The University of Cincinnati Medical Center is privileged to serve as the only adult Level 1 trauma center in our region. We’re an academic health care center, which means that we have layers and layers and layers of knowledge and experience that we can bring to bear on any individual patient. So from that standpoint the trauma team was activated in its usual fashion, and the patient when he arrived was met by the full assemblage of emergency medical physicians, specialized shock resuscitation unit nurses, trauma surgeons, respiratory therapists, and in addition because of the particular nature of this – because he’d had an arrest – he was also met by the cardiology team who was ready to intervene if needed. 

On if there was anyone on staff watching the game live, who saw the injury live? 

Pritts: I think probably everybody on the staff was watching the game live that wasn’t directly involved with patient care. It was a highly watched game, and I know I had at least three partners who were physically at the game. The reaction, like anything else in sports, is one of disbelief and sadness. Sports are a wonderful thing. Football is a great game and you hate to ever have anything happen to anyone in the sport. We really don’t want to see anything like this happen.  

On how’s he doing emotionally? 

Knight: It’s too early to tell. He’s still on a ventilator, which requires a little bit of sedation to make sure he’s comfortable. Being on a ventilator is not the most comfortable thing, so that, in fairness to Demar, has not been fully assessed in terms of even his awareness of everything that has happened in the last three days. That will come more as we have better assessment. When we talk about neurologically attacked, it’s a very gross term of big motor movements and following commands. When we talk about the finer things that make us human – cognition, emotion, speech, language, etc., we’re looking forward to learning more about that soon.  

On players saying that one of the best places for trauma to happen is short of a hospital, an NFL field. How much truth is there to that? 

Knight: The biggest thing that happens on an NFL field is that each sports team has an entire team of not only athletic trainers and assistant athletic trainers but also team physicians. There’s a wide breadth of experience that ranges from everything from sports medicine to orthopedic surgery to emergency medicine, primary care. Teams have ophthalmologists, neurosurgeons, there’s a wide range of different supports that different teams have. And so when you’re on an NFL sideline, there are layers upon layers of not just preparation but presence and it’s not just physicians.

There are paramedics, there are respiratory therapists. … Is it a good place to have an event like this? … There were a lot of cameras to record what happened and to have a good video review as well as the immediate response of highly trained physicians in specific areas such as airway management, emergency medicine, orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, primary care, etc., with the equipment that is afforded there via paramedic and ambulance support, yeah, it gives us a lot of opportunity to do things at the scene that you may not have at a grocery store or a mall.  

On reviewing his on-field care:

Knight: The specific details of that review are still pending. The high level answer is he lost a pulse, he had bystander CPR, he had a rhythm check, had defibrillation and then returned to spontaneous circulation.  

On why Hamlin’s ambulance didn’t go to the hospital immediately: 

Knight: A lot of those specific details are gonna be part of the debrief. 

On whether there was a sign of concussion or head trauma:

Pritts: Neurological function appears to be intact at present. 

Knight: Since he has been intubated and largely sedated, we have not had the ability to what we would ordinarily do to evaluate and test for a concussion. 

On the status of his heart condition/testing and if he went through hypothermia treatment: 

Knight: We’re not going to speak to some of the specifics of his tests in deference to his privacy as far as those specific details.  

Yes, he did undergo the targeted temperature management protocol here at UC. 

Pritts: He did demonstrate evidence of ARDS or acute respiratory distress syndrome and that was the etiology of the proning. 

On his heart care: 

Knight: The workup of his cardiac is ongoing. There’s going to be additional tests in the future. 

On translating what ARDS means for laypeople: 

Pritts: That’s an acute inflammatory response that occurs in the lungs after a wide variety of events. It causes the lungs not to be able to exchange gases and you can’t breathe as well, as normal. From the standpoint of long-term issues, that all remains to be seen. His lung function is improving, this was noted in the press (Wednesday) and we hope that it continues to improve. 

On what needs to happen to upgrade him to stable from critical: 

Pritts: What we would like to see before we upgrade him to stable condition would be breathing tube out and continuing to improving from a neurological and respiratory standpoint. 

On the fundraising on his behalf: 

Pritts: We can tell you that us, his parents who have been close to him the entire time and are amazing parents – I can just tell you we wish everybody had parents as wonderful as his parents are  and the Bills coaching staff have all communicated the outpouring of support from Cincinnati, from Buffalo, from across the country. We’ve relayed that there’s gonna be a lot of toys for him to buy when he recovers from all this. And we’re all looking forward to that. His parents feel the support, the team feels the support and everybody in the ICU and the medical center feel the support, so we appreciate all that.

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