
AMA (NSW) condemns HSU’s underhanded attack on doctors

AMA (NSW) has strongly denounced the Health Services Union NSW’s ad campaign as an unjustified attack on doctors that is misleading and divisive.

The Health Services Union (HSU) recently launched an unjustified campaign attacking doctors. The HSU campaign, which launched 4 December and runs until the NSW State election in March, includes television, outdoor, radio and digital ads.

The campaign calls for a Royal Commission into the NSW Health Budget and takes aim at doctors by positioning them against frontline workers such as ambulance officers, nurses and hospital cleaners. Patients are depicted in the advertisements as suffering while a doctor pockets a wad of cash and then drives away in an expensive car. 

AMA (NSW) President, Dr Michael Bonning said the insinuation that doctors are getting rich while patients suffer is disgusting and unjust.

“The campaign undermines public confidence in all health services by attacking doctors and questioning their commitment to patient care,” he said.

“Healthcare professionals should be on the same team – not fighting for scraps from the Government. This outrageous campaign pits healthcare workers against each other and does more harm than good.

“We fully support all frontline workers in their campaign to receive a fair wage, but these tactics are completely disingenuous.”

Members have reacted angrily to the campaign, with some questioning if doctors will look to move to other states that offer better support. 

AMA (NSW) has called on all political parties, particularly the ALP who have indicated their support for the HSU’s Royal Commission and other unions, to condemn this attack in the strongest terms and express their support for doctors.

AMA (NSW)’s media release can be found here.

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