
Feeling tired all the time? 30 ways to boost energy levels, according to experts

With so many plates to spin in life, it’s no surprise many of us are exhausted – but if you’re feeling fatigued more often than not, you could be experiencing “hyper fatigue”.

Coined by market research agency Mintel in its annual forecast of global consumer trends for 2023, experts say that hyper fatigue is neither the debilitating chronic fatigue associated with fluctuating hormones or illness, nor the everyday tiredness that passes, but a constant exhaustion caused by unprecedented drains on our energy levels.

Here, health professionals share tips to boost energy levels – and when it’s time to seek help.

Avoid high carb meals and alcohol before bed

“Large, high carbohydrate meals before bed can cause energy dips, while eating too close to bedtime may lead to reflux,” says Dr Anita Raja. “It’s also important to avoid drinking too much alcohol in general, but especially before bed as this can lead to disturbed sleep.”

Eat more nuts

“Instead of reaching for junk food when you’re feeling low on energy, eat some nuts,” advises nutrition expert Penny Weston. “Nuts are good sources of fat, fibre and protein, so they will make you feel fuller for longer, without giving you the sugar rush and subsequent dip that some sugary snacks will.”

Don’t snooze your alarm

It might seem tempting when you’re tired to stay in bed a little longer, but personal trainer Andrew Watkinson of Fitagain says this is counterproductive. He adds: “Waking up and dozing back off in the morning can make you more tired. If you struggle to get up, think about why this is. Are you going to bed too late? Instead, when the alarm rings, take a deep breath, stretch gently, drink a glass of water and say hello to a day full of new opportunities.”

Get moving

Try to get outside to increase your energy levels (Photo: Ascent/PKS Media Inc/Getty/Stone RF)

Regular exercise will make you feel less tired in the long run, so you’ll have more energy. “Incorporating movement into a sedentary lifestyle helps you get your blood pumping, which helps to boost your energy levels,” says Dr Natasha Fernando from Medichecks. “Aiming for the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week is a good way to get energised. Exercise also releases endorphins, boosting your mood, which naturally increases energy levels.”

Swap coffee for herbal teas

“When we’re low on energy, caffeine can often be the first thing on our minds,” says Dr Shashi Prasad from the Marion Gluck Clinic. “However, that initial burst of energy can be short-lived. Instead, try herbal teas. Great caffeine-free alternatives include rosemary and brahmi.”

If you simply can’t go without coffee, then research from Harvard Medical School found that frequent low doses of caffeine – the amount in 1/4 cup (50 ml) of coffee – taken throughout the day was more effective at keeping people alert than fewer, larger doses. So sip slowly and regularly.


young woman singing in shower.Singing is a natural stress buster (Photo: stock_colors/Getty Images)

“Singing gives you an emotional lift and reduces levels of stress hormones in your body,” says Anna Ferguson, a brain working recursive therapist, nutritionist and personal trainer. “You could sing in your car or in the shower. You’ll be surprised how much it lifts your mood.”

Try intermittent fasting

“When practiced for at least 12 hours a day, say from 7pm to 7am, intermittent fasting can improve insulin sensitivity, which means the body can better regulate blood sugar levels and prevent energy crashes,” says personal trainer Sean Willers, of Willers Fitness.

Sort your posture

“Poor posture can leave us feeling exhausted, achey and restricted, especially for those sitting at desks all day,” says Eloise Skinner, a fitness instructor.

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“Focus on keeping good posture and ensure you’re stretching throughout the day. Stand with feet hip distance apart, then tuck your chin to your chest and roll down your spine progressively, unravelling each vertebrae one at a time, to rest in a forward folding position at the bottom. Take a few deep breaths, then begin to roll up. This can help to maintain flexibility, mobility and alignment – and give us a feeling of lightness, space and energy.”

Sniff peppermint oil

Some essential oils have clinical research supporting claims that they may increase energy and relieve fatigue, including peppermint, sweet orange, spearmint, rosemary and lemon. Don’t have essential oil to hand? Cut open a lemon and take a sniff.

Take care of your mental health: stock up on Omega-3

“As well as a good diet and exercise, boosting energy can come from improving feelings of euphoria which can help with our mental health,” says Vassiliki Sinopoulou, senior research assistant at the University of Lancashire’s school of medicine. “Omega-3, found in foods such as oily fish, nuts and seeds and their oils, have been linked to improved mental health.”

Don’t overexercise

Remember not to over exercise (Photo: The Good Brigade/Getty/Digital Vision)

Regular exercise is pivotal to good health, but your body can only take so much. Studies have shown that over-training without rest or the appropriate fuel will place a stress on your body that can trigger a range of symptoms such as physical and mental exhaustion.”

Snack on pomegranate

“The seeds of the pomegranate are packed with polyphenols, which have been shown to increase human endurance and could help keep you going throughout the day,” says Dr Deborah Lee, from Dr Fox Online Pharmacy.

Take micro-breaks

A study from the West University of Timisoara in Romania has shown that micro-breaks have a small but positive effect on our energy levels. Just a 10-minute break can reduce fatigue, so make sure to schedule a few into your day.

Mix with positive people

Unsurprisingly, the people we hang around with can influence our mood and energy levels. “Make sure to surround yourself with positive people who fulfil you,” says Dr Suhail Hussain, a private GP. “If you’re spending time with people who drain you mentally, then you’re going to feel low on energy.”

Buy a desk plant

If you really can’t get away from your desk, invest in a houseplant for decoration. Looking at plants has been shown to improve mood, and according to a study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, just their presence can give attention levels a boost.

Keep hydrated

“Dehydration is a significant contributor to lethargy, lack of concentration and low energy,” says Adam Bryne, clinical fitness lead at Nuffield Health.

“We should aim for 2-2.5 litres of water per day, as a minimum. If your job requires a lot of physical labour or you work out, be sure to increase this. Alternatively, coconut water and watermelon are great snack additions to stay hydrated due to their high water content.”

Connect with nature

Bare feet of a woman, walking on the beachConnecting with nature can revitalise your mind and body (Photo: Westend61/Getty Images)

“A powerful way to boost energy levels is to be barefoot in nature,” says emotional health coach Vanessa Louise Moore. “Take off your shoes and socks and allow the soles of your feet to connect to the grass, sand or the woods.”

Snack on protein

“Blood sugar rollercoasters caused by consuming high sugar foods can leave you feeling exhausted, lethargic and craving more sugar,” explains nutritionist Jenna Hope. “Try switching sugary snacks and drinks for higher protein options such as oat cakes with hummus.”

Take a break from your phone

Your smartphone could be the culprit behind low energy levels. Dr Lee adds: “The blue light emitted from phones inhibits the production of melatonin, which can disrupt our sleep cycles. Take breaks from your phone and plan when you will use it during the day – then switch it off and put it in a drawer. Try not to use your phone for two hours before bed.”

Eat little and often

“Large, heavy meals with prolonged periods of hunger in between can cause your digestive system to use up a lot of energy,” says Dr Fernando. “Switching to smaller, more frequent meals will help to regulate your blood sugar levels, minimising peaks of energy and troughs of tiredness.”

Up your iron levels

The World Health Organisation describes low iron levels as the world’s “most common and widespread nutritional disorder.” It is more common in women, often due to heavy periods or pregnancy, and can be treated by diet changes. “Red meat is one of the richest iron sources,” says Kate Arthur, dietitian at the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. “Plant sources include pulses, legumes, leafy greens, nuts and seeds.”

Stop over-thinking

Feeling tired can often be down to mental exhaustion, as well as physical. “Take a break from tasks or people that make you over-think things,” says Moore. “Pause, take a deep breath and become aware of your heartbeat. Just a minute or two will reduce cortisol levels and allow space for happy hormones.”

Get enough sleep

Sleep is restorative, allowing us to replenish energy stores, and adults should aim for at least seven hours a night. However, make sure to avoid over-sleeping as this too can lead to lethargy.

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“Steer clear of haphazard sleep-wake patterns and weekend lie-ins, as these confuse our body clocks,” says Dr Rebeccah Tomlinson, GP at Health & Her. “Get up at similar time every day and your body will respond with a release of melatonin at bedtime.”

Have a laugh

The saying goes that laughter is the best medicine, and it might not be far from the truth. Numerous studies have proven laughter is a stress-buster, improves heart health, helps counter anxiety and triggers those all-important feel-good endorphins. So for a quick energy boost, call a friend for a giggle.

Lose weight

“If you are overweight, then trying to reach a healthy weight will massively improve your energy levels,” says Dr Raja. “Carrying excess weight slows us down and puts our joints and muscle under unnecessary strain, leading to aches and tiredness. Being overweight can also affect our quality of sleep.”

Exercise in the morning

“Exercising as soon as you wake can set you up for a positive outlook and increase productivity throughout the day,” says Darren Cunningham, personal trainer at Crazy Nutrition. “Try to fit in a small run or exercises in the living room before work or the school run.”

Escape the heat

A cold shower can raise energy levels (Photo: Easy Production/Getty/Image Source)

While getting out and about can combat tiredness by topping up vitamin D levels, make sure to take regular breaks from the sun as too much exposure can zap energy levels and cause heat stroke.

Take a cold shower

“Having a cold shower for 30-60 seconds is proven to raise energy levels,” says Dr Nerina Ramlakhan.

Switch to complex carbs

“Incorporate complex carbs into your diet, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds,” says nutritional therapist and PT Dr Sunni Patel. “Complex carbohydrates provide a steady release of energy and help maintain stable blood sugar levels.”

Focus on your breathing

“Breathing techniques can stimulate hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, helping you to prepare for mobilisation – which helps to sharpen the mind, increase awareness and also enliven the body,” says Fini Cooper, founder of The Breath Way.

“The triple inhale breath is one of my favourite techniques for increasing energy. To do this, find a comfortable seated position then take a small inhale through the nose, into the abdomen. Without exhaling, take another two inhales (so you gradually fill up your lungs in three stages). Exhale with a short sigh out through the mouth, then repeat ten times.

If you have been feeling constantly tired for more than four weeks, see your GP so they can confirm or rule out an underlying medical condition.

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