
How to achieve fitness goals in New Year 2023

“This year, I’ll lose weight by going to the gym” or “My New Year’s resolution is to finish a marathon.” These are some of the fitness resolutions that we come up with almost every year. We often end up making the same fitness goals for ourselves every year. That’s because we don’t stick to them most of the time! It’s very important to stay motivated. Even if we make a little progress, we must recognise it and celebrate the tiny victories so that we can stay motivated. Also, the fitness goals should be simple. Know all about how to achieve fitness goals.

Many people come up with ambiguous aims like, “I have a desire to be in shape this year,” or “I need a toned physique.” Stop doing that and make specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals. For instance, think of a fitness goal like, “I wish to run a 10,000 race in November and finish it in under 50 minutes.”

Health Shots reached out to fitness expert Varun Rattan to find out more about how to achieve fitness goals in New Year 2023.

Walking daily is an easy fitness resolution you can stick to. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

1. Walk every day

Walking is something that can done easily. You don’t need a heavy gym equipment. Your fitness objectives should be simple to accomplish, so begin small and gradually make it more challenging. For instance, if you want to lose weight, start by walking for 20 minutes each day, and then steadily increase the duration. According to Rattan, walking 10,000 steps a day can burn about 350 calories, which may not sound like a lot, but over the course of a month, that would be 10,500 calories. It requires 7,700 calories to burn 1 kg of fat.

2. Train with an expert

You should think of achieving your fitness goals with a personal fitness trainer. Employing the services of a personal trainer is the ideal way to stay on track with your fitness goals. They can help you accomplish them faster, and if you’re ever feeling unmotivated, your trainer will be there to keep you going. Even having a trainer for just once a week or two can be beneficial in helping you stay focused.

3. Pick a sport of your choice

When setting fitness goals, it’s essential to make sure they’re enjoyable so that you can maintain your motivation. Try to pick activities that you actually like doing, such as biking, cricket, or tennis.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Yes, fitness resolution should not only be about exercises and physical activities. Prioritise eating more fruits and vegetables, and create a meal plan on your day off. Write it on the kitchen whiteboard so you know what to eat and when, throughout the week, says Rattan, co-founder of The Body Science Academy, Noida.

winter fruitsDon’t forget to include good eating habits in your fitness goal. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Focus on sleep consistency

Our body focuses on recovery when we sleep, and to make sure that we get the best quality rest, we can invest in comfortable pillows and mattresses to improve our sleep. Also, going to bed and waking at the same time, even on the weekends, can make it easier to fall asleep quickly and help us wake up feeling refreshed.

6. Drink more water

After getting a six to eight hours sleep, start your day with 300 to 400 ml of water as you wake up. This will also help with bowel movement. For reminders throughout the day, consider downloading apps so that your phone can tell you when it’s time to drink up.

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