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Las Vegas physician specializing in ADHD treatment discusses Adderall shortage

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — ADHD is among the most common mental disorders in children and teens, but plenty of adults have it too.

The continued shortage of Adderall medication to treat it has left many Nevada patients confused and wanting to know when the shortage will likely be resolved.

Dr. Ann Childress specializes in ADHD treatment, seeing clients at The Center for Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine.  She’s also the President of the American Professional Society of ADHD and related disorders.

She’s been fielding calls from concerned clients due to the shortage.

“I’ve had to send someone to three different pharmacies to get medication,” Childress said.  “I have adults say ‘I can’t work, I can’t focus, I am worried about driving’ because they’re more likely to have a car accident when they’re not taking their medication.”  

The FDA first announced the Adderall shortage in October of 2022. The shortage was partly due to some supply chain issues and manufacturing delays, but it’s now being driven by a rise in consumer demand and a change in access.

In the past, people needed to get a prescription in person but due to the pandemic, providers were allowed to prescribe the drug after online consultations. As a result, Dr. Childress says the number of prescriptions has skyrocketed.

“We’re talking about going from 35 million prescriptions a year to 41 million, and so it’s hard to keep up with that demand,” she explained.

She said patients can go onto the FDA website, and check the FDA drug shortages app.  You can see who makes Adderall, the different strengths and whether it’s available or not.  Half the companies say not available, some say end of June. 

“I know a lot of companies do have coupons, because they do cost more than a generic,” Childress suggests. “You do need to be proactive and talk with your doctor. Go onto the website, and look at new medications.”

Dr. Childress also suggests you check out “Good RX” where you can find cheaper generic alternatives.

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