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‘ME!’ Trump Rages At Biden Over Signature Accomplishment

Former President Donald Trump raged that a signature accomplishment of President Joe Biden’s had nothing to do with Biden — and falsely claimed all the credit for himself.

At issue is President Biden’s successful passage of legislation that caps the cost of insulin at $35 for all Medicare beneficiaries, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act.

On Saturday, one of Trump’s Truth Social rants was devoted to bashing Biden and taking full credit for lowering the price of insulin:

Low INSULIN PRICING was gotten for millions of Americans by me, and the Trump Administration, not by Crooked Joe Biden. He had NOTHING to do with it. It was all done long before he so sadly entered office. All he does is try to take credit for things done by others, in this case, ME!

But as Fox News anchor John Roberts pointed out after he similarly credited Trump with Biden’s accomplishment, Trump signed an executive action that created a voluntary savings model that affected relatively small numbers of Medicare recipients.

But “President Biden made it his signature issue to convert the voluntary program into a mandatory program,” Roberts said. The Inflation Reduction Act did just that.

Trump also raged at Biden over the false claim that the president is directing prosecutions against “ME”:

I truly wish people would remember that all of these “trials” are concocted and run by the Crooked Joe Biden White House, and DOJ, for the purpose of Election Interference and damaging Crooked’s Political Opponent, ME, as much as possible. These are not legitimate trials, they are merely part of an illegal POLITICAL WITCH HUNT the likes of which our Country has never seen before! MAGA2024

That attack on President Biden has been debunked every time Trump has repeated it, often outside the courthouse where those trials have occurred.

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