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Mississippi Veterans Could See Millions In Private Subsidies & Support Thanks To New Cannabis Veteran Support Program

Roman Alexander Wellington, CEO & Founder of ElysianMed, a leading healthcare marketing & public relations firm in the USA, announced an exciting new Veteran Support Program today that could see millions of dollars in private subsidies go to Veteran-owned & Veteran-focused businesses, and see thousands of Veteran patients, finally being helped in the State of Mississippi.

ElysianMed will officially be launching its flagship cannabis platform in Mississippi,, on March 1st, 2023. The platform has been in Beta since December 2022 and is already receiving thousands of visitors per month, and seeing more new patients (and potential patients) signing up to the platform every day.

The platform officially started allowing licensed dispensaries and prescribing practitioners on its waiting list to begin signing up and activating their business listings on February 6th. The listings are compliant with the MSDOH Advertising & Marketing Regulations (Title 15, Part 22, Subpart 3, Rule 3.3.2).

The platform provides patients with a one-stop place to learn, find, research, and engage with licensed cannabis dispensaries & prescribing physicians who are listed in its cannabis business directory, as well as with other patients or those considering becoming patients.

The biggest feature of the platform is the first of its kind, on-site Social Media Network (officially launching March 1st, 2023).

Patients are able to sign-up for the platform free of charge, and join several groups which are designed to encourage patients, and those considering becoming patients, to participate in open, caring, and non-judgmental discussions regarding the use of medical cannabis.

Currently, the platform is preparing to launch it’s first three groups which are the Veterans Group, the Parents & Caregivers Group, and the Senior Citizens Group.


Cannabis Mississippi


Founder Roman Alexander Wellington stated, “The purpose of these groups is to encourage the building of a real community for patients in Mississippi, where they can engage with other community members & medical cannabis patients in a safe and private way, and not have to worry about judgment. We hope that these private groups will allow our members to feel safer in engaging in real and productive conversations with each other about medical cannabis use, and share their stories and experiences.”

One of the main focuses of the platform, and a matter very close to Mr. Wellington, is Veteran affairs.

“We all know that Veterans are usually the first to step up and care for others, but usually the last to receive that care back … especially from governmental institutions, like the Veterans Administration. Veteran healthcare, both physical and mental, should be of the utmost priority … and unfortunately, it hasn’t been. With our platform, and new Veteran Support Program, we hope to change that… and change it fast.” Wellington said. has now begun accepting applications from licensed medical marijuana dispensaries & prescribing physicians wishing to be listed on the platform & participate in the Veteran Support Program, with several already approved.

The Veteran Support Program will ensure that Veterans begin to see immediate attention & benefits, in the form of millions of dollars in private subsidies, starting March 1st, 2023 and lasting over the next 5 years. Licensed medical cannabis dispensaries and prescribing physicians are allowed to purchase listings on the platform, as well as purchase ads showcasing specials, discounts, exclusive promo’s, etc. to the members and visitors of the platform (who are 21 years of age, or older).

The Veteran Support Program will provide member dispensaries and prescribing physicians that are willing to take a “Veterans As a Priority” stance, with massive subsidies from ElysianMed for its platform.

First, Veteran owned dispensaries and Veteran prescribing physicians, will receive significant discounts on their business directory listing fees.

Next, both dispensaries and prescribing physicians (Veteran owned and not), will receive huge advertising subsidies from the platform each month for continued Veteran-focused work.

For example, dispensaries that are willing to provide up to $500 in medical cannabis each month free of charge, to Veterans facing financial hardship who have received their medical marijuana certification and activated ID card from the MSDOH, will receive a dollar-for-dollar subsidy from in the form of free advertising on the platform (up to $500 per dispensary, per month, or $6,000 in free advertising per year).

Additionally, dispensaries that employ Veterans, will receive an additional $100 per month, per Veteran employed, in advertising credits.

For prescribing physicians, if they offer a free certification to at least three (3) Veterans per month, they will also receive $500, every month, in free advertising credits.

Mr. Wellington explained, “We wanted to figure out a way to incentivize dispensaries and prescribing physicians to focus on the Veteran community, and get them the help they need, starting immediately. However, we did not want to provide these subsidies for some pretty, but ultimately meaningless, words of support for our Vets. It’s easy to ‘say’ you support our Veterans, it’s another thing entirely to actually do it.”

“By offering subsidies on our platform that are directly tied to the benefit provided to Veterans, each month, we put a tremendous safeguard in place to prevent businesses from trying to take advantage, or only doing it for one month just to get some free stuff.”

“If the dispensaries or prescribing physicians stop providing the services to the Veteran community, they lose all their subsidies and discounts, instantly.”

“Doing things this way, the dispensaries and prescribing physicians are continually encouraged to participate in the Veteran Support Program, because they are saving tremendous amounts of money for each month that they do”.

Dr. Kency, a prescribing physician and Veteran who is listed on the platform stated, “I think it’s incredibly important to focus on building a positive and non-judgmental community around medical cannabis, and encourage patients to reach out and ask questions. The platform & social network that has built, allows patients to reach out and speak to other patients, without fear of negativity or shame, which is why I joined the platform. When patients reach out to my office to schedule an appointment, we make sure to really listen to their needs and their concerns, and make sure that medical cannabis is the appropriate treatment option.”

Dr. Kency continued, “I also appreciate the focus that is putting on the Veteran community, and the subsidies that they are willing to provide to Mississippi medical cannabis businesses willing to take a Veteran-focused approach. I hope this will encourage those within the Veteran community to take a serious look at the positive health benefits of medical cannabis, both physical and mental, and explore it as a treatment option.”


Mississippi Medical Marijuanas Dispensaries


The Veteran Support Program will provide much-needed support and critical business infrastructure to Veteran owned cannabis businesses in Mississippi, while providing incentives to other medical cannabis businesses to invest in and hire Veteran staff, and support the Veterans in their local community who are looking into medical cannabis as a treatment option, but may be facing financial hardship.

With over 120 dispensaries slated to open in Mississippi, and an estimated 700 physicians expected to begin prescribing, the number of Veterans who would be helped by this Veteran Support Program is staggering.

If only half of the dispensaries opt-in to this program, that’s over $30,000 a month in medical cannabis being provided to Veterans (who have received their MSDOH certification & ID), but who are in financial need, for free.

If only half of the prescribing physicians opt-in to the program, that’s 350 prescribing physicians providing 3 free certifications per month each … or over 1,000 Veterans being helped, every single month.

In total, ElysianMed is expecting to provide between $1,500,000 – $2,000,000 in Veteran Support Program subsidies in the first year alone, and between $7,500,000 – $10,000,000 in subsidies over the next 5 years.

Asked why Mr. Wellington was willing to provide such a massive subsidy program, he said, “Veterans have been conditioned to accept being put last, being forced to endure horrendous wait times and lack of medical services from the VA, and being used as nothing more than political glitter by many politicians … on both sides of the aisle … who speak sweet words about “Veteran Support” when they need votes, yet do the bare minimum (if anything) when the time actually comes.

“Enough is enough. The Veteran community is one of the single largest, untapped resources, in this country. However, many of them are so broken and damaged mentally and physically that they are not able to participate in the workforce the way they would have, had they not sacrificed their minds and bodies for their Country. They also do not receive the mental and physical healthcare that they so desperately need to be able to rejoin the workforce, and be the incredible contributing members of their communities, they so desperately desire to be.

“With medical cannabis, an enormous number of Veterans in Mississippi could get immediate relief, and that means thousands of people re-joining the workforce. That means thousands of hard workers, people who want to work and have a military-engrained work ethic, will finally be able to actually go to work, because they are no longer in horrendously debilitating pain.

That means thousands of families experiencing healing and a re-birth of the family unit, because Mommy or Daddy (or both) finally have a way to help with their PTSD, and are able to do so in seconds.

That means thousands of community members no longer turning to drugs, pharmaceutical opioids, or alcohol to numb their pain, mentally and physically, and that means less crime, fewer accidents, less instances of domestic abuse, etc. … it also means less of a burden and drain of resources on law enforcement, and the Courts.”

Since the launch of the Veterans Support Program was announced, dispensaries and prescribing physicians have already begun signing up, and claiming their discounted business listings. Interested dispensaries & prescribing physicians can learn more at: is currently working with several associations and Veteran groups in Mississippi to put together a plan that will allow Veterans in financial need to be able to contact that appropriate medical cannabis dispensaries and prescribing physicians, who have opted-in to the program. More information will be released over the coming weeks, with the platform and program officially set to launch on March 1st, 2023.

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