
Monterey leaders move forward with cannabis ordinance

Monterey city leaders move forward with cannabis ordinance

Updated: 11:10 PM PST Nov 7, 2023

On Tuesday during a Monterey City Council’s meeting, in a 4-1 vote, city leaders voted in favor of moving forward with the first reading of its cannabis ordinance. According to the ordinance, the city will permit four cannabis storefront retailers, one non-store front retailer requiring delivery of medicinal cannabis and two events at the Monterey County Fairgrounds.During the meeting, some spoke against the ordinance, calling cannabis a gateway drug. “I consider marijuana to be a gateway drug and if you talk to a lot of cocaine addicts and so forth, then they’ll agree with that,” one man said during the public comment section. Others expressed support, arguing that it will benefit the local economy and will provide a much-needed boost to the city’s revenue. Something the mayor believes as well. “I think it’s just important that we look at opportunities to diversify the revenue within the city of Monterey. And this is a great start for us to expand that opportunity,” he said. City staff noted that the application process for potential businesses could possibly begin as early as Nov. 27.

On Tuesday during a Monterey City Council’s meeting, in a 4-1 vote, city leaders voted in favor of moving forward with the first reading of its cannabis ordinance.

According to the ordinance, the city will permit four cannabis storefront retailers, one non-store front retailer requiring delivery of medicinal cannabis and two events at the Monterey County Fairgrounds.

During the meeting, some spoke against the ordinance, calling cannabis a gateway drug. “I consider marijuana to be a gateway drug and if you talk to a lot of cocaine addicts and so forth, then they’ll agree with that,” one man said during the public comment section.

Others expressed support, arguing that it will benefit the local economy and will provide a much-needed boost to the city’s revenue. Something the mayor believes as well. “I think it’s just important that we look at opportunities to diversify the revenue within the city of Monterey. And this is a great start for us to expand that opportunity,” he said.

City staff noted that the application process for potential businesses could possibly begin as early as Nov. 27.

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