
Power of Cloud Utilization for the Pharmaceutical Industry, Health News, ET HealthWorld

By Raj Srinivasaraghavan

The cloud is enveloping more sectors, faster and deeper. Health and pharmaceuticals are exception. Rather, the two sectors have been one of the pioneers to adopt cloud and other futuristic technologies. More than being an enabler, cloud has now emerged as an inevitable technology for the sector as a whole and new drug development in particular.

According to Gartner, by 2025, more than 30 per cent of new drugs and materials will be systematically discovered using generative AI techniques. Gartner also estimates that over 95 per cent of new digital workloads will be deployed on cloud-native platforms by 2025, up from 30 per cent in 2021.These metrics strongly prove that pharma and life sciences companies are moving towards cloud in a big way.

The power of cloud utilization is helping the pharma companies broadly in four areas. First is the drug supply chain wherein the drug manufacturing, distribution, 3rd party packaging and retail store distribution are supported by the cloud. Supply chain is a critical process for any pharma company as it has to effectively track and trace the products across the continents to better the bottom and topline. It boils down to how quickly a particular batch, lot or even a single tablet can be located in a supply chain that involves global manufacturing, distribution, packaging and retail distribution. Cloud helps in a big way through enterprise software like SAP installed in public/private/hybrid cloud of pharma companies. Also axillary processes such as inventory management, consignment tracking through IOT devices like scanners attached to Cloud Edge Locations globally help the track and trace, especially on a global scale for some of these companies. Additionally, service-oriented cloud deployments help report these numbers to government authorities instantly especially at border ports, when need arises, for compliance purposes, so supply chain can run smoothly.

Secondly, it is the drug discovery which involves hundreds or scientists and engineers for a single drug development process. Agility and speed are critical. It is one aspect that is getting a critical look in off late, especially after the covid pandemic. According to a recent report, some global pharma companies were looking develop effective drugs for viruses, with combination algorithms combing through hundreds of chemical compounds each of different proportions with the help of AI and Machine Learning. Such efforts are possible only through cloud servers that can handle payloads of huge volumes of combinatorial data. Cloud with its ability to auto scale hundreds to thousands of servers on demand has enhanced the capability for pharma companies to arrive at drug combinations at a quick pace. It is good to note here that all these can be done without compromising on the security, privacy or throughput of the data by making use of cloud native components like containers, gateways, routers and firewalls and effectively apportioning the modelling activity between public, private or hybrid cloud.

Third area is business processes, both internal and external, wherein cloud ensures effective delivery across the departments such as marketing, sales, HR mgmt., clinical trials etc. It is imperative that a modern pharma company (even SMEs) has to seek the help of cloud deployments for business processes. Several avenues such as Paas, Business Process as a Service, SaaS software’s all cloud based have helped the companies immensely slim down on their IT expenses and run their processes very efficiently. Again the availability of on-demand software’s and cloud resources help them gain control on the scale of these deployments. This mitigates risk, and delivers with quality, innovation with cost optimization on these business processes, especially on clinical trials which can be tricky to manage.

Fourth area is collaboration between pharma companies, whether for business or scientific reasons. Pharma companies are leveraging the cloud to further their efficiencies. Hybrid cloud helps in a big way here as organizations can share only what is needed. This way they can accomplish business and technology goals without compromising on data security or privacy.

In short, cloud deployment brings added value in the form of instant scalability, incremental costing, cloud native tools, on-demand availability, continuous monitoring, geographical accessibility, data protection, compliance, device connectivity, high pay-load handling capability, and service cum process driven architecture.

Raj Srinivasaraghavan , Chief Technology Officer , SecureKloud Technologies.

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