
Prioritizing veterans in the cannabis industry: a call for action (guest column)

Justin Battles is an 8-year service-disabled army veteran, co-chair for the Veterans Committee of the Cannabis Association of New York, and a horticulture and business student with a focus in cannabis. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of NY Cannabis Insider nor CANY.

The cannabis industry is booming, with the potential to generate billions of dollars in revenue each year. However, for veteran-owned businesses, entering this sector can be an uphill battle. These brave men and women come from all walks of life and are made up of every gender, race, ethnicity, creed, or religion.

They carry unique perspectives and have gained valuable leadership and organizational skills during their service that could greatly benefit the cannabis industry. Unfortunately, they often face barriers to accessing capital and business networks that hinder their ability to thrive.

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Service-Disabled Veterans face even greater challenges due to their disabilities and injuries, as well as the impact of the war on drugs in their military careers. It’s a heartbreaking reality that those who have sacrificed so much for our country are struggling to succeed in the cannabis industry. But we can change this. By prioritizing licensing for Service-Disabled Veteran-owned businesses, we’re not only doing the right thing, but also pursuing a smart economic strategy.

Empowering veterans to become successful entrepreneurs creates more job opportunities for both veterans and community members. This can lead to a more vibrant and competitive business environment, attracting more investment and creating even more jobs. It’s a win-win for everyone involved. Importantly, it’s a chance for us to show our gratitude to those who’ve put their lives on the line for our freedom.

Critics may say that giving special consideration to veteran-owned businesses is unfair, but they’re missing the point. Veterans face unique challenges, including those related to the war on drugs, and it’s our responsibility to help them overcome these obstacles. By creating a more inclusive and supportive business environment that benefits everyone, we can honor their service and contributions to our country.

The recent change in New York’s cannabis law, which gives priority to those with cannabis-related criminal charges, is a step forward in promoting equity and justice in the cannabis industry. However, it’s important to ensure that this priority includes Service-Disabled Veteran-owned businesses as well. Veterans may have faced legal consequences or other barriers to entering the cannabis industry, and it’s crucial that we provide equal opportunities for all veterans, regardless of where their cannabis-related charges occurred.

To support these efforts, we encourage readers to contact their state representatives and urge them to prioritize licensing for Service-Disabled Veteran-owned businesses in the cannabis industry. Let’s work together to create a better business community that recognizes and supports the contributions of our veterans.

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