
Some relieved, others concerned over MSU President Stanley resigning

EAST LANSING — Since Michigan State University President Samuel Stanley announced his resignation Thursday morning, students, officials and politicians have expressed their surprise, anger and, in other cases, support for the move.

Stanley announced his resignation in a video, explaining he had lost confidence in the Board of Trustees. Some members of the board had pushed for Stanley’s ouster over the last several weeks over Stanley’s handling of Title IX cases and the Title IX-related resignation of former Broad College of Business Dean Sanjay Gupta.

“The actions of the campus over the past month have shown the world that Michigan State University will not accept micromanagement by board members of the operations of this great institution, and that we will hold individuals, no matter what their rank, accountable for their actions,” Stanley said in his video.

An unsigned statement from the Board of Trustees was released Thursday afternoon.

“The MSU Board of Trustees appreciates President Stanley’s service over the past three years,” the statement said. “President Stanley arrived at a difficult time and provided steady leadership to guide us forward while the entire world was experiencing severe disruption and uncertainty. The Board of Trustees will work cooperatively with President Stanley during this transition and more details will be shared with the campus community as information is available.”

None of the trustees, including Dianne Byrum, Melanie Foster, Dan Kelly, Pat O’Keefe, Brianna Scott, Kelly Tebay and Rema Vassar have returned requests for comment nor spoken publicly since Stanley’s announced resignation. Trustee Renee Knake Jefferson provided a statement.

Here is how people and groups are reacting to Stanley’s resignation.

Associated Students of Michigan State University

“The Associated Students of Michigan State University are extremely dispirited by the resignation of President Stanley. As Stanley stated in his resignation, ASMSU recently passed a vote of no-confidence in the Board of Trustees. Following this was a vote of no-confidence in the board from the Faculty Senate, and now President Stanley has repeated the same sentiment. ASMSU is disappointed and frustrated by the continued lack of transparency and accountability from this Board, and while we are saddened by his departure, we understand and support his actions.

“Following this resignation, the board will now name an interim and an eventual replacement for the President of our university. ASMSU demands that student input is taken during this search, and that seats for students are allotted during all discussions. Because of the failures of the current board, it is vital that students get representation at these proceedings and that our input is taken when choosing the next leader of this institution. We will not stand for anything less because students deserve to feel acknowledged and respected by the board, and ASMSU will never stop advocating for student voices.”

Reclaim MSU, an advocacy group composed of students, faculty, staff and alumni

“A closed search failed to create trust between the president, the board, and the entire MSU community.

“To restore the trust of the MSU community, MSU must have an open and inclusive search that centers the voices and perspectives of faculty, staff and students.”

Trustee Renee Knake Jefferson and Dennis Denno, Democratic candidates running for spots on the Board of Trustees in the November election

“The focus of this great university must be its students, faculty, and staff and the long-term success, health, and safety of the entire MSU community. We look forward to working with every stakeholder to address issues as they arise responsibly and with thoughtfulness.”

Travis Menge, Republican candidate for the Board of Trustees

“One of the most important responsibilities of the board is to select the new president when a vacancy occurs. President Stanley’s resignation has just taken the upcoming election for MSU Trustee to a new level of importance. This election allows everyone across Michigan to have a voice in MSU’s leadership and the direction of the university(.)

“I will work to ensure a president is selected who is transparent, honorable, and someone who will have complete focus on the success, safety, and well being of our students. I will also work to build and restore trust in leadership throughout the MSU community.”

Battle for Spartan Swim and Dive, an organization founded by MSU alumni and athletes fighting to have the MSU Swimming and Diving program reinstated. Mike Balow, a Republican candidate for the Board of Trustees, is a member.

“The Battle for Spartan Swim and Dive group welcomes the resignation of President Samuel Stanley, seeing it as a necessary fresh start for the university, as well as the removal of a final obstacle to reinstating the MSU Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving teams.

“We support the efforts of the majority of the Michigan State University Board of Trustees to continue the independent investigations aimed at correcting and improving the university’s troubled Title IX legacy, and agree with their exercise of oversight and pursuit of accountability.

“In our experience, Stanley’s lack of accountability was core to his failure as a leader. He refused all attempts to engage with the Battle team to discuss our proposed solutions. In his only meeting with current swimmers, Stanley remained noncommittal and referenced ‘ongoing financial challenges,’ all while his Athletic Department enjoyed a $7 million surplus and ushered in more than $200 million in donations and media revenue.

“MSU’s appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which has the prospect of greatly weakening Title IX protections for female student-athletes, happened on his watch, highlighting his unwillingness to stand up for the most vulnerable members of the Spartan community. Time after time, he had the opportunity to revisit his mistake and work with us to reinstate and improve the program. Time after time, he instead chose silence and obfuscation.

“Stanley’s decision to resign is the latest hurdle cleared on the Battle group’s path to reinstatement. As we approach the two-year anniversary of the cut, we are hopeful that a 100th season of Swimming and Diving is closer than ever. We call on Athletic Director Alan Haller to meet with us, work to implement our proposed solutions, end the expensive legal fight, and return MSU to Title IX compliance.

“It is time to bring back Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving, and put Michigan State on the right side of Title IX.”

Parents of Sister Survivors Engage, a group created in the wake of the Larry Nassar scandal that advocates for survivors of sexual violence

“We have no opinion on whether Stanley is a good president or not,” said Valerie von Frank, mother of a survivor and founder of Parents of Sister Survivors Engage. “We have not had enough interaction to base a conclusion on. Our main concern is that the office that handles complaints of sexual violence operates optimally so that students can feel safer.”

As to the fighting between Stanley and board members who have opened investigations into how the university has handled Title IX complaints and investigations, von Frank said the board needs to share its members’ concerns.

“No one can really know what has gone on until the board makes public the results of its investigations. Then people might see what the mishaps are, if any. Until then, no one should rush to judgment about either the president or the board.”

Victor DiRita, Rudolph Hugh Endowed Chair in Microbial Pathogenesis and chairperson of the MSU Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

“Dr. Stanley concluded that, as chief executive, working with a Board that made absurd claims of authority it doesn’t have, and then acted upon that invented authority, was untenable.

“I give him credit for taking a principled stance, that the Board is dysfunctional and arrogant, and is working beyond its authority. He correctly noted that those who have paid attention to the Board actions over the last month or two have drawn the same conclusion about their dysfunction.

“This is exhibit A in the case against an elected Board, and I hope the Governor and legislature can work together to change how the MSU Board of Trustees (as well as the Boards at University of Michigan, and Wayne State University) are constituted. We need individuals appointed to the Boards who have been vetted for their skills and competencies, and have a basic understanding of what Board work is, and is not, and the proper role and behavior of Board members. Self-appointed, broadly elected Boards are not working, and the system needs to be changed and changed soon.

“I like to think that part of President Stanley’s decision to resign was aimed at forcing this change in how Boards are put together.”

Rep. Julie Brixie, D-Meridian Township

“I applaud President Stanley for all that he accomplished during his tenure, including opening the sexual assault center, his science-driven approach to the pandemic and opening the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. He provided stable, transparent, responsible leadership when the university needed it most.

“It’s shocking and deeply disturbing that the Board of Trustees conspired to remove him, behind closed doors and with no justification, for fulfilling one of his most essential mandates — strictly enforcing Title IX reporting procedures. His departure is a significant loss for our community. I have lost all faith in the trustees who have had a role in this gross misconduct.”

U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Holly, via Twitter

“I’ve spoken with President Stanley and thanked him for his hard work to lead @michiganstateuthrough some of its most difficult challenges, including guiding the school through the fallout of the Larry Nassar scandal and through the darkest days of the pandemic.

“He has been an excellent partner to my office and a steadfast advocate for MSU’s students, the East Lansing community, and our entire state.

“The responsibility now falls to the board to show real leadership and to choose an interim president with the experience and management skills to make this transition as seamless as possible. The student body, faculty, alumni, and the state of Michigan deserve nothing less.”

Contact Mark Johnson at 517-377-1026 or at Follow him on Twitter at @ByMarkJohnson.

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