
Test the Limits of Your Fitness with Our Full-Body EMOM Challenge

Not for your weekly program, this workout is a test of your aerobic capacity and mental toughness. MH Elite Coach John Chapman invites you to test your strength and endurance with this dumbbell challenge.

“Every so often it’s fun to have a benchmark workout to really challenge your fitness and that you can repeat periodically as a gauge. This is certainly that!'” says Chapman. It’s not a workout you do weekly. Unless your version of ‘fun’ includes lung-searing cardio workouts, of course. Then go for your life.

“This will be challenging your legs, both posterior & anterior, as well as your core, arms, back, shoulders & chest. Oh, and the whole of your cardiovascular system,” says Chapman “The time scale also means it will take you through multiple energy systems.”

You’re going to be using EMOM format, working through all the movments and then resting for the remainder of each minute . “Don’t go off too fast and gas out, or too slow that you’re playing catch up to make the reps in the minute.” says Chapman. “Managing your rest and movement efficiency is key here, we can’t afford to waste energy with poor movement mechanics.”

The weight recommendation is 22.5kg dumbbells per hand but, of course, this is scalable to suit your ability. “We should always understand that listed weights are just a suggestion,” says JC. “As a rule of thumb pick a weight you can press overhead comfortably for 5 reps.”

Watch JC take you through one full round of the work and then find the full workout with form guides below.

      The Workout

      EMOM until failure or 15min time cap

      Dumbbell Deadlifts x 5

      Begin standing tall with the dumbbell at your sides and your feet under your hips. Hinge at the hips and send your bum behind your heels as if you’re shutting a car door. Keep your weight in your heels, head in line, core engaged and send the tops of the dumbbells to touch the floor before reversing the movement back to standing. Chapman recommends ‘Only 1 head of the DB needs to touch the floor on the deadlifts. If your mobility won’t allow for this then work in a range that is applicable for you to use under fatigue’.

      dumbbell front squat

      Dumbbell Front Rack Squats x 4

      After the deadlifts, clean the dumbbells to the front rack position. This involves holding the dumbbells close to your shoulders with your palms facing towards your body. Elbows are close to the waist. Chapman recommends to ‘Save the grip and rest those dumbbells on your shoulder for squats’. Sit your hips down in to a squat whilst sending your knees over your toes and keeping the chest open. Front rack squats force your abs to work a little harder as you keep your torso upright.

      weights, exercise equipment, shoulder, overhead press, kettlebell, arm, dumbbell, physical fitness, standing, muscle,

      Dumbbell Push Press x 3

      Keep the dumbbells in the front rack position from the previous exercise. Stand tall and continue to bend the knees slightly, explosively straighten the legs whilst sending the dumbbells into the overhead position. Unlike the strict press, you can afford to use your legs a little to help power the weights overhead. Bring the weights down as you slightly bend the knees again to repeat.

      Burpees Over Dumbbell x 2

      Place the dumbbells on the floor to your side. Reach down to the floor and jump your feet back into a high-plank position. Perform a press up and lower your chest to the floor. Shoot the feet towards your hands so that you are in a crouched position. Finish by explosively jumping over the dumbbells to your side with your hands above your head. Repeat on the other side of the dumbbells. If you need to regress the movement, perform a press up with your knees down and step the feet back in to then step over the dumbbells.

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