
Want career success? These are the foods you should include in your diet

While many factors can affect task performance, nutrition is one factor that is often overlooked. Even though it is an important key to improving productivity, energy levels and concentration, it is often not given the same attention it deserves.

In other words, a healthy diet is good not only for your physical health, but also for your professional success! Nutrition experts suggest fixing your diet to help you gain professional success goals. Here are the main reasons for this:

Diet changes for lifelong professional success

1. Efficiency and blood glucose levels

Our body converts most of the food we consume into glucose. The energy we need to go about our daily lives, such as standard brain activity, is provided by glucose. Therefore, one of the main reasons why sometimes we have trouble concentrating when we feel hungry, is because of the low levels of glucose associated with this. Researchers say that eating fruits and vegetables throughout the day is extremely beneficial for the body and mind.

A woman walks near high-rise buildings in the hi-tech business area of Tel Aviv (credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)

 2. A healthy mind in a healthy body

Incorporating healthy nutrients in your daily meals is essential for metabolic processes in the body, without which our physical and mental health may deteriorate. For example, omega-3 fatty acids and complex carbohydrates support the general functioning of the brain and enable focus and creative thinking.

3. Reduce stress and anxiety

Eating healthy food helps in reducing stress. Healthy nutrients improve brain function and make it easier to deal with work challenges. Research shows that people who maintain healthy eating habits are less likely to suffer from stress, tension, and anxiety, leading to improved performance.

4. Improving sleep

Healthy meals lead to better sleep, which allows you to think more creatively and efficiently. Your body has a natural internal clock, and the more you do to align your diet with it, the more you can reach your full potential throughout the day. This is because foods affect your circadian rhythms, a natural internal process that regulates your sleep-wake cycle.

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