
What are wellness trends for 2023? Healing holidays, preventive healthcare, naturopathy

The global pandemic has given rise to a new consumer behaviour where people are and have become more conscious about their well-being and lifestyle, which is sustainable and healthy. There is a marked increase in the number of travellers, who are interested in wellness getaways that focus on mindfulness and meditation, while others are only interested in retreats that focus on recuperative health.

Restorative travel or healing holidays

With more aware people, who are very conscious of maintaining their health rather than going to curative spells at a hospital, there is an increasing focus on traditional, holistic health and well-being treatments. These encompass an approach which simultaneously addresses the mind, body and spirit. In this context, both classical Kerala ayurveda and Prakriti Chikitsa or naturopathy have yielded good results for various lifestyle disorders and other long-term health conditions.

Preventive versus curative healthcare

There is a renewed interest in traditional Indian healing sciences. Wellness getaways for the younger generation are more about undergoing preventive health programmes while the older generation continues to seek curative therapies. Seeing the older generation dependent on lifelong medication for their lifestyle disorders, young people are fast turning towards naturopathy and Ayurveda to arrest their tendencies if any. Gen X is now looking for a drug-free, non-invasive method to lead a healthy life and will be including wellness breaks as a regular feature of their lifestyle rather than being forced to take one to set things right on a purely momentary need basis.

The prominence of Kerala Ayurveda

The Kerala Ayurveda protocol has been accepted the world over for its immense benefits and the methodology of treatments. The Panchakarma treatment course that involves 21 days has helped people turn their lives around. Through sharing personal experiences, medical papers and case studies, a large section of modern society is turning to a long-term goal of sustaining good health on their own. In this journey back to healthy living, undergoing a Panchakarma treatment under the supervision and personalised care of a good medical team is often the first and most important step. The support and guidance given by these doctors help each patient to then carry forward the Ayurvedic way of life.

Understanding the power to heal oneself

While Ayurveda treatments depend on the skill and expertise of a medical team, many are in search of understanding ways to tap into nature’s resources, the power within to heal one’s body and mind and the knowledge to lead a sustained healthy life without depending on medicines. There is a lot of information on well-being and sustainable living, but how does one process all this information or how do they understand what is best suited for their body? People choose to visit facilities that help them correct the imbalances in their bodies, set them on the right course to healthy living and take guidance on how to continue to keep themselves healthy. Prakruti Chikitsa or naturopathy has been able to address this by teaching each person how to correct or prevent the onset of a disease in their body. It teaches you how to harness nature for your health benefits, shows how the food you eat can be curative and creative, and suggests a method of well-being that you can quite easily integrate into your modern living.

Investing time and money for wellness vacations

There is a shift from going on a long foreign holiday with family and friends to setting aside time and money to travel for one’s own physical and mental health and wellbeing, particularly among the urban population.

The importance of healing spaces

People want to be able to address their health but not feel like a patient, especially among those who have understood the importance of preventive healthcare in addressing the onset of lifestyle disorders. Keeping your mind happy during a treatment course has been talked about in modern medicine as well and healing spaces have become important for your inner calm. So nature retreats will be in great demand.

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