
What To Know Before Using Almond Flour In Pizza Crust

You won’t need yeast or other raising agents for this recipe since without gluten, your almond flour crust will remain mostly flat. However, adding fresh baking powder, salt, and eggs to measured portions of almond flour can help you build a pizza dough that is ready for the oven. Olive oil helps the ingredients bind together, and it is best to roll out the dough on a sheet of parchment paper to bake before pilling on sauces and diced toppings. After 15 minutes, the crust will turn golden brown, signaling the pizza base is ready for your choices of cheeses and toppings. The sturdier base can then be easily topped with ingredients, placed back into the oven for another 15 minutes, then removed to cool and serve.

Though pizza crust made with almond flour will be less fluffy, the crispy texture can still deliver a satisfying dish. For variations, try adding dried herbs like basil, oregano, and pepper to flavor the raw pizza dough, or turn a parbaked crispy almond pizza base into dessert by crowning the crust with sweet ingredients like sliced pieces of fruit, mascarpone, drizzles of balsamic vinegar and honey, and sprinkles of cinnamon and chopped nuts. Once you’ve mastered the use of almond flour in your kitchen, you’ll find yourself slowly working it into other recipes too!

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